Amidst the magnificent ambiance of the San Marco Church in Marosticaorganised by the Councillor Delegate for Sport of Marostica, a new presentation of Adv.Jacopo Tognon’s book published in the beginning of 2023 “Le Minacce dello Sport modernoand has now accomplished its second reprint.
The enthusiastic audience participated in an interesting dialogue with the author as he shared several sports stories resulting from his 25+ years of experience whether on filed or in the courtrooms. Many curiosities were addressed, leaving space for questions and anecdotes towards the end.
The author quoted that “The topic of integrity rules is still of great interest and is constantly evolving. Hence comes the brilliant commitment of all the professionals who work at JT Lex Studio as they deal with practical cases which are rigorously studied in order to prepare the best strategies and come up with the finest solutions” .